
Time Theft is Fraud. Stop it Today!

Stopping Time Theft is Stopping Fraud

Time theft can occur in any workplace using old, outdated systems. Using a buddy system, employees can steal time from a company. Time clocks can be manipulated and time errors can occur, making it difficult to keep records. Some employees can also receive unwarranted overtime. But, there is a way to circumvent time theft altogether.

Using biometric fingerprint technology, MinuteHound eliminates time theft by allowing employees to use their fingerprint. With a cloud-based system the time clock software offers live reports from anywhere in the world with any available internet connection. And, if an employee is late or decides to leave early, the software will alert you through e-mail or text message. No more paper time cards and inventory, no more employee interference, and no more buddy punching when using the fingerprint time clock. Don’t fret over time theft like you would have with outdated, easy to bypass, time clocks.

Time Theft Is A Big Pain, But An Easy Solution

The MinuteHound solution to time theft is easy and no IT knowledge is required. You make an account, receive a fingerprint time clock in two to four business days, plug it into any PC you choose, and download the software. The PC you chose becomes the terminal used for all your biometric needs, allowing employees to clock their time in seconds. The time clock can be placed six feet up to fifty-six feet away from the PC. With the use of adhesive, it can be adhered to a desk, shelf or wall. Preventing employee access to the computer terminal stops time theft in its tracks, and can save you two to eight percent from your payroll.

MinuteHound also offers a cloud-based, scanner-less option. This allows employees to log in from any compatible device using a username and password. From PC, Mac, iPad, smartphones, and other devices. MinuteHound records a timestamp and IP address of every punch. If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative, this option is a superb choice (although it isn’t as infallible as biometrics is to time theft).

No matter which option you choose, MinuteHound is here to help. This affordable solution to time theft has a lifetime money back guarantee on every scanner. If you decide this service isn’t your solution, receive a full refund of the scanner price on return. If you ever need any help or have any questions, give a call or e-mail. U.S.A. based team of professionals are always able to help you and your company around the clock.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Stops Time Theft.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!