
Internet Based Time Stamp Machine – Employee Time Clock | Attendance

A New Approach to the Time Stamp Machine

Clocking in and out for work is a part of life that many of us have simply accepted as an inevitability. It’s for that very reason that many of us may never have imagined that there’s a better way than the cumbersome experience we’ve always had. When it comes to the time stamp machine, too many business owners are relying on aging and fallible technology and timekeeping techniques. The good news is that there’s a better way.

A New Kind of Time Stamp Machine
Sometimes a technology comes along that makes you question why we still use certain names and phrases, since the new technology bears so little resemblance to what came before. The MinuteHound time stamp machine is a great example; it doesn’t look much like the antiquated timekeeping devices of decades past. Even so, its novel approach to employee time tracking is at once revolutionary and comfortingly familiar.

Our use of cutting-edge biometrics technology allows your employees to clock in with just a press of their thumb. If time theft has been a problem in your workplace, biometrics is the obvious answer: it lets you remain certain that your employees are clocking in only for themselves. Time theft and even unintentional errors can cost the average business thousands of dollars every year; let MinuteHound help you take a stand against easily remedied sources of error.

Remote Working
The powerful hardware behind our time stamp machine is just one part of the picture. It’s backed by a powerful suite of time tracking software that can help you stay productive in surprising ways. MinuteHound has built cloud technology into our time stamp machine, which automatically stores your company’s important time sheet data in the cloud.

Security is provided for by 128-bit encryption, which means you can securely access your time tracking information from just about anywhere in the world. For the manager or business owner that travels frequently, yet wants to maintain a hands-on approach, a cloud-based time stamp machine is the obvious solution.

Seamless Automation
We’ve also included some great automation features into our time clock, including the ability to receive alerts when your employees arrive late or leave early. It’s one more way that MinuteHound can help you emphasize accuracy while reinforcing the important tenet of employee accountability.

A Modern Solution to Old Problems
At MinuteHound, we believe that technology is not always a perfect solution to every problem. That said, in an industry where efficiency and accuracy are of paramount importance, we believe that the MinuteHound approach to the time stamp machine is the best one for your business. Visit our price page today for a cost estimate or to learn more about how you can try the MinuteHound time stamp machine risk-free.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Stamp Machine.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!