
Time Clock Application: Big Savings Start With Small Beginnings.

Save Money and Time with MinuteHound’s Time Clock Application

The time clock application applies to any size business. One key factor in maintaining healthy business profits is saving money on payroll costs. Businesses that can effectively manage their payroll oftentimes save quite a bit of money, money that can be then used to help the business grow. Of course, efficiently and effectively managing payroll is easier said than done. Many businesses lose money on their payroll for many reasons, from processing time to abuse. Time theft exists in both blue and white collar work environments. The only way to put an end to it, is with fingerprint recognition.

The key is to have a payroll system in place that maximizes efficiency while eliminating abuse and long processing times. MinuteHound has come up with just such a solution. MinuteHound is a state-of-the-art biometric time clock application that can be installed virtually anywhere. Its sole function is to eliminate all of the problems that are associated with standard time card systems. The time clock application from MinuteHound saves you 5% or more on your payroll costs.

Time Clock Application: Accurate Pay for Accurate Work

MinuteHound’s time clock application uses biometric fingerprint technology. Employees simply swipe their finger over a sensor and they are immediately clocked into the system. This completely eliminates the need for paper time cards or other physical inventory. This time clock application typically pays for itself in the first month. This technology is advanced, however so simple to use. You will notice a change in your workplace within days. Then, at the end of every month you will notice the savings you gain. Employees get paid exactly what they are owed. You never overpay. No more wasted time. No more wasted money.

MinuteHound’s time clock application helps save money by eliminating time theft in the workplace. As many employers know, employees leave early while still clocked in. Their friends at work clock them in when they are running late. Your employee’s 30 minute lunch break turns into 40 minutes. Although these are mere minutes your talking about everyday, they add up to money lost for you. When you upgrade to MinuteHound’s time clock application, there is no more headaches. It is impossible for anyone to clock in or out if they are not physically there to do so. Also, your employees can never “forget” to clock in or out. The time clock application will send designated managers text and e-mail alerts in order to get of that human error aspect. Accurate pay for accurate work. This is the way the most successful companies run their business. Do you?

The Time Clock Application From MinuteHound Is Your True Solution

MinuteHound’s time clock application is also cloud based. This means data loss is history. It also means mobility. You can view live reporting from any internet connection in the world. All one has to do is log into the time clock application and they can access all employee time data. Never leave your office again. Also MinuteHound has 24/7 customer support. If you ever need assistance, simply call and get an answer. There are no contracts to sign. No learning curves to master. Just a true solution to your everyday business needs.

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Clock Application: Clocks in the Savings! Clocks out Fraud!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!