
Time Attendance System- The True Solution To Solve Payroll Fraud

Biometric Time Attendance System- Foolproof Technology For Business

While most businesses these days are already equipped with a time attendance system, the fact of the matter is that there are still some companies out there who do not see the value in such devices. A time attendance system can actually mean the difference between overpaying employees and paying them a fair wage, and a business owner would definitely be surprised by the kind of impact these kinds of systems can have on profits. Productivity and savings are two of the most important aspects of any business, and these are the two areas that are improved more than anything else with time attendance software.

How is Productivity Affected?
When it comes to employees, there are always going to be a few people who try to cheat the system. Some do it intentionally, while others make honest mistakes. With paper time sheets or cards, and even pin/password setups, cheating happens day and night. When a company uses MinuteHound’s biometric time attendance system, cheating is impossible. When an employee knows that their time on the clock is being tracked in a correct manner, they know that they need to keep their act together. A time attendance system can get people to work on time and keep them there until they are supposed to go home. There is no way to cheat the system when a biometric time attendance system is used, which is why the software from MinuteHound is a great selection.

Additional Features of Using A Biometric Time Attendance System

The first thing that needs to be mentioned when it comes to profits and a time attendance system is that the effects are quite similar to the effects seen on productivity. After all, an increase in productivity will lead to higher profits, so it should be easy to see why a time attendance system is such a great option. In addition to the increased profits related to increased productivity, a business owner should also think about wage fraud. This is a form of fraud that has to do with people clocking in and out of work at the wrong times of the day.

If an employee has control over their own hours, then they are obviously going to fudge the numbers a bit and make their bosses think that they are working longer than they actually are. A time attendance system with fingerprint technology solves this problem. There is no cheating the system when this kind of software is installed. Even if employees “forget” to clock-in or out, MinuteHound’s time attendance system can send out text and email messages as a reminder. It is the full solution, and a surefire way to decrease spending while adding savings.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Attendance System.

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