
Time Attendance Management System | The Time To Act Is NOW!

Managing employees attendance gets easier

Every business owner knows that one of the most important parts of a successful business is having employees you can count on to get the job done. That doesn’t always happen if there are holes in your business plan and in your work culture. A good business owner needs all the information in front of him or her to make the very best business decisions and to hire the right people. And that is why owners need a solid, secure time attendance management system that ensures employees are working at their maximum potential and are not submitting fraudulent time cards.

Prevent fraud at the workplace

Timecard fraud happens more than you think it does, and that’s because it is so easy to do. At businesses that keep paper records, it can be very easy to fudge one’s hours and make it appear that one is working longer. Other systems, such as radio frequency identification systems, can be prone to fraud if employees swap identification cards. Don’t be a victim of timecard fraud. If you are worried about timecard fraud, then it may be time to try an alternative employee attendance system. Let MinuteHound come to your rescue with a time attendance management system that utilizes the latest in biometric technology!

The benefits of a secured system

The MinuteHound time attendance management system uses a 128-bit encryption code so that all of the data that your employees submit is kept safe. When your employees report to work every morning, they check in by placing their finger in our fingerprint reader. You also can monitor employee check-ins via your computer. No matter where you may be during your work day, you can monitor employees with our encrypted time attendance management system. You never have to worry about whether your employees are writing down the incorrect hours worked on a paper time card, which means you don’t have to worry about overpaying them. With a new time attendance management system, you will keep your businesses resources where they need to be and pay employees for the good work that they actually do. MinuteHound’s time attendance management system is cloud based therefore provides real-time reporting. On vacation? No problem. Just log in, and you can still see when your employees are clocking in and out. When performance evaluations come around, you can pull reports of employee attendance via the time attendance management system and give your employees hard data to show them how well they have abided by company policies for reporting to work on time and taking accurate breaks. You’ll provide your employees with more accountability and increase the cost-savings of your company altogether. Try the MinuteHound time attendance management system today and see what a difference it can make in your workplace culture.

The time to act is now!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Attendance Management System

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!