
Time and Attendance for Business Employees

One habit an employer can count on is that employees will never shortchange themselves. They show up late, leave early, take extended breaks but will always mark down they got there on time. They work hard right! They don’t believe taking an extra few minutes off is a big deal. So they write down whatever they want. They will punch in numbers and collect their paychecks. Employers need, not want or hope to have, but need a system in which these options don’t exist. If you give an option to an employee to write down their times, chances are pretty high they will write down whatever time they can to get those extra few minutes. We all know those extra few minutes add up quick!

MinuteHound has created a biometric time and attendance system that only allows employees to record the time they actually work. Their co-workers can’t clock-in or out for them. Friends at work can’t cover. The only way they can record time worked is when they work! Paychecks are never bloated. No mistakes and no manual counting. This system was designed specifically for the time and attendance industry. Paper time sheets are completely over and outdated. Even Username and Password systems are obsolete. These are the systems in place now costing companies millions. MinuteHound is the solution!

Save Money In Multiple Ways
Not only do you completely eliminate time theft from the office and work environment, MinuteHound is 100% paperless. No supplies to buy or re-stock. No filing cabinets needed for time cards. MinuteHound provides spotless reports each and every pay period. Employees can login and check for themselves and managers can login from anywhere to view/edit/submit their reports. It is that easy and effective. Try it today and never think twice about it!

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory. MinuteHound We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours. Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today! TimeClock@MinuteHound.com