
The Workplace Will Never Be The Same! Biometric Technology Changes the Game

Get ready to change your office world! MinuteHound has the technology in order to completely energize and organize your office. As a business owner you wear many hats and have many roles to fill. What should not fill your time is worrying about who showed up to work, if they showed up on time, if they left early, or if their friends at work are covering for each other. MinuteHound has the time and attendance technology on lock! By using biometrics in your workplace employees will be honest without any option of time theft or cheating. Submitting payroll becomes a breeze and takes less time than ever before. The system itself is foolproof and can be setup within minutes.

Your managers and yourself have the ability to enter in employee schedules and if they do not adhere to that schedule, alerts will be sent out. This way you can be alerted via email and/or text message should any employee not show up to work, arrive late, or try to clock-in way too early. Time and attendance is crucial for any organization as labor costs seem to get higher and higher every pay day. By utilizing this type of system, payroll costs go down and savings go way up. The reason being is no cheating and no human errors can be made. It will literally solve all your headaches in terms of staffing issues.

How Hard Is It To Use?
Very easy! MinuteHound is so successful because of the fact it is so easy to use. It can literally be setup within minutes and if you ever need help, can call a MinuteHound representative for assistance. Technology is no good to anyone if you can’t apply it successfully! Time and attendance is more important than ever with so many lawsuits being filed everyday by former employees. Try it today risk free and see the benefits for yourself!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory. MinuteHound We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours. Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today! TimeClock@MinuteHound.com