Buddy Punching No More!
On average, 2-8% of a business’ payroll is stolen. Even for a small business, that can be thousands of dollars in payroll. Meaning, any responsible business should take steps to eliminate time theft. Buddy punching is the most common form of time theft. Buddy punching is when one employee wrongfully clocks in for a co-worker. Unfortunately, many employees view as harmless. Clocking in for a co-worker soon before they arrive on the job seems like a small sin. However, over the course of a year, buddy punching adds up.
Generally, people try to stop buddy punching via oversight. Owners personally watch workers clock in and out or have management do so. Oversight requires the physical presence of an owner or manager at all times. This constant presence and open distrust can hurt staff morale. Also, watching over lower lever staff may not be the best use of a manager or owner’s time. Time waste and hurt feelings are not ideal. Meaning, oversight is not an ideal solution.
How To Stop Buddy Punching For Good
Using a system made to stop buddy punching is the best option. MinuteHound is a low-priced time and attendance option made to stop buddy punching. MinuteHound uses fingerprints to punch workers in and out. Therefore, staff members must be on the job to clock in or out. No time waste. No hurt feelings. And no more buddy punching!
MinuteHound is a cheap and easy way to stop time theft in the workplace. Why continue to allow a big part of your payroll to be stolen? If you are a business owner looking to save big on payroll, then try MinuteHound! A time and attendance solution made to support the needs of business owners. Save money, save time, use MinuteHound.
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MinuteHound Stops Buddy Punching
We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!