
Student Attendance Management | No More Paper!

Student Attendance Management System – Fingerprint Technology

Do you work in a field in which a student attendance management system is critical? Do you need to keep an eye on your students’ and/or faculty attendance and manage their productivity? If you are looking for a secure, encrypted student attendance management system that you can trust, then look no further than MinuteHound’s fingerprint pad. We use the latest fingerprint technology to deliver you with accurate, secure data that helps you keep track of all of your students and office personnel which gives you proof of their attendance and productivity.

Put away all your paper rosters! Throw away the attendance time cards! MinuteHound’s time and attendance system makes paper timecards useless! As a teacher or administrator, you have enough paper to file and keep up with so let your student attendance management system be different. Move it online with a cloud based application. One of the defining features of our student attendance management system is that it uses 128-bit data encryption to make sure your students’ data is safe. We all have concerns about data breaches, but your administration can put that worry to rest.

It is impossible to breach the MinuteHound system because of the way it is designed. Using the system is very easy: faculty prove their attendance in class and at special events by swiping their finger in the system. Because fingerprints are unique, you can trust that the student and/or staff member who swipes is indeed that person. MinuteHound saves you time in taking roll and provides you with correct data. You don’t even have to be present when faculty record their attendance. You can monitor attendance by logging into our secure system and watching their fingerprint data pop up on your screen. If someone tries to cheat the system and leave early, do not worry! MinuteHound offers real time attendance which any administrator can access at anytime.

No More Cheating! Student Attendance Management

There is no doubt that unmotivated students may try to find a way to cheat the system. That’s why you must invest in a student attendance management system technology that gives you accurate reporting. MinuteHound’s student attendance management system uses encryption and the latest security technologies to ensure you have the most accurate data literally at your fingertips! Try MinuteHound’s time and attendance system and see why so many businesses and schools are switching their data systems!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Student Attendance Management.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!