
Streamline Payroll with the MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator

The MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator: A Biometric Solution to Employee Time Theft

As an employer, it can be frustrating to deal with employees who are dishonest when it comes to submitting time cards or using a punch clock calculator. Some employees may have friends clock in for them or punch out after supposedly staying for overtime hours while engaging in other activities. This type of employee theft can be difficult to catch, and many employers only become aware of it after becoming suspicious. However, a biometric solution to this problem exists, and it’s called the MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator.

The Unique Features of the MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator

The MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator system requires employees to place their fingers on a small device to clock in and out of work. This makes it impossible for a friend to punch in or out for a coworker because their biometric reading will not match that of the other employee. The punch clock calculator immediately takes the reading and clocks your employee’s time, and then stores the information it has gathered in the cloud. This means that you can keep track of who is at work and who is not, no matter where you are.

The MinuteHound punch clock calculator completely eliminates punch clock manipulation, punch clock card errors, buddy punching, and unapproved overtime. The software also has many convenient features such as 128-bit encryption to protect the data the device gathers during transfer to storage, email or text message alerts when an employee is late, absent, or leaves early, and no need to keep track of time cards or notebooks. The system is very affordable, and you can call the support team anytime, day or night.

How the MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator Can Save You Time and Money

One of the main reasons employers love the MinuteHound punch clock calculator is that it significantly cuts payroll processing time. You can download all the reports you need from the cloud, and your staff does not have to gather or calculate anything. The system is easy to implement and install, and there is no training necessary. All you need to do is plug a USB fingerprint scanner into your computer, install the software drivers from the web, and enter your staff members’ names and finger scans into the system. The system is so secure that it converts all of their fingerprints or FaceDetect biometric info into binary strings of numbers, and no real prints are even stored.

Using the MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator can save you time and money. By eliminating employee time theft, you can be sure that you are paying your employees for the hours they actually worked. This can result in significant savings over time, especially if you have a large workforce. Additionally, you can save time on processing payroll because the reports you need are already available in the cloud. You won’t have to spend hours calculating employee hours and manually inputting data.

How to Implement the MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator in Your Business

Implementing the MinuteHound punch clock calculator in your business is easy. The first step is to purchase the system online. You can choose from several different packages, depending on the size of your workforce. Once you have purchased the system, you will receive a USB fingerprint scanner and software drivers. You will need to install the software on your computer and enter your staff members’ names and finger scans into the system.

The MinuteHound punch clock calculator is easy to use and requires no training. Simply instruct your employees to place their fingers on the device when they arrive at work and when they leave. The system will automatically clock their time and store the information in the cloud.


In conclusion, the MinuteHound Punch Clock Calculator is a biometric solution to employee time theft that