Stop Time Theft From Your Company Using MinuteHound!
As long as work has existed, employees have been looking for ways to avoid doing it, while still getting paid. That problem persists to this very day. However, technology can now make it easy for employers to ensure that time isn’t being stolen from the company. Introducing MinuteHound- a specialized product that can help stop time theft!
MinuteHound replaces the outdated time clock with any typical computer. With the aid of an attached biometric fingerprint scanner, employees can log in with just a touch. This scanner can be attached with any standard USB port. Because the system matches their fingerprint (via algorithm, as MinuteHound never keeps any fingerprints!) to those registered in the system, employees cannot clock in or out for others. This helps to stop time theft by preventing fraudulent use of the time accounting system.
Stop Time Theft With Modern Technology
MinuteHound has also introduced a more economical way to stop time theft in your company. A cloud-based solution is now available that does not require the use of a biometric fingerprint scanner. Instead, employees can clock in and out from anywhere using any Internet-connected device, such as a personal computer, mobile phone or tablet. All they need to do is enter a user name and password. This is especially helpful for employees who work from outside the office. This saves hassle and lets your workers focus on doing business, not messing with a time clock. With the help of MinuteHound, you can stop time theft while also lowering travel cost.
The Easy and Proven Way to Stop Time Theft
MinuteHound helps you to stop time theft with ease and security, at a low cost. The system is “plug and play,” requiring no training and very little setup. There are no time cards or paper records to keep track of. Any typical computer, laptop or desktop, can be utilized. Time accounting data, fingerprint records and username/password combinations are kept safe with 128-bit encryption. Perhaps best of all, with MinuteHound you can stop time theft for just pennies a day! MinuteHound is risk-free and there is no obligation. Support is also available around the clock. Stop time theft and improve your bottom line today with MinuteHound!
The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others
No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Stop Time Theft!
We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!