
Stop Time Fraud. Stop Time Theft. Save More Every Pay Period

Are Your Employees Stealing Time from You?

Whether you have a small or large company, chances are your employees are committing time fraud. Time fraud typically happens when a system is in place that allows it, such as paper time sheets or punch/swipe cards. Even an updated system that allows employees to login to record their time typically leads to them sharing Usernames and Passwords in order gain the system. Even an honest employee will never short their own paycheck. Whether it be taking an extra 10 minutes on a lunch break or walking off early, employees will still mark down they worked the entire shift. Time fraud is a problem in every organization. The more employees you have, the harder it is to keep track of their time accurately for payroll.

Time fraud committed by employees cost U.S. Businesses loads of money every year. The average employee steals 54 minutes of time every 8 hour shift! Do the math and that is basically sending that employee on a paid vacation every year. That money can be better spent on the business or in the pocket of the business owner. The only true way to stop time theft once and for all is to use biometric technology in the workplace. MinuteHound has a foolproof, low-cost but highly effective system that has been around for many years. The technology keeps getting better but the results are the same: time fraud is gone!

How to Permanently Stop Time Fraud

Time fraud is a major problem but a problem that can be solved quite easily: use MinuteHound! For just $1.00 per employee every month you can setup your company to use the best time and attendance system on the market. Nothing complicated about the installation or setup, as everything is very user friendly. Simply plug in the biometric scanner and register your employees. That is it! The rest of all that you will do is done online, as MinuteHound is cloud based. You can login from any browser to check the times of any employee, make corrections, create/download reports and so much more. MinuteHound allows you full access to a wealth of tools from any internet connection you have.

There is no risk involved with MinuteHound as no obligations are required. You do not have to sign up for any amount of time. Either use it and pay or hate it and cancel. You can call up anytime to stop or start service as with MinuteHound you pay month-to-month. You are never locked into anything and only pay for what you use. Time fraud can cost your companies lots of money but MinuteHound will stop that and start putting money into your pockets instead. Give MinuteHound a try and stop letting money go out the window due to time fraud in your company.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Fraud.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!