
Low Cost Staff Attendance Software- Error Free Payroll Automation

Staff Attendance Software Is Easy To Install and Setup

If your looking for a cost effective, easy and highly dependable way to keep track of your employees, look no further. MinuteHound has created staff attendance software to fit the needs of any size business, of any industry. No more wondering who is on the clock or chasing down employees who “forgot” to clock in our out. Staff attendance software can be installed on any computer you currently have. MinuteHound has developed this unique type of staff attendance software to not only replace your current time and attendance system, but upgrade it. Payroll will become automated, you have instant access to your reports from anywhere in the world, and so many more features.

MinuteHound’s staff attendance software is completely cloud based. To understand what this means, think of a central location where information is stored, and you as an owner or designated manager can access this information whenever you need it, from anywhere in the world. Now, you will have the flexibility to monitor your workforce, edit/modify information, and all of the above from home, work, or while traveling. Your office is now virtual with this advanced staff attendance software.

How Staff Attendance Software Works

After you setup an account, a biometric fingerprint scanner is mailed to you. Free shipping included. This little gem is the size of a computer mouse and is a one time fee of $99.95. It is backed by a lifetime money back guarantee. The scanner plugs into any computer you have and right away, the staff attendance software is downloaded. You register your employees, and from now on they clock in, out and take breaks by swiping their finger. This is how the staff attendance software guarantees accuracy. Friends at work cannot cover for one another. Cheating the system is impossible.

Once the staff attendance software is installed and working, time is tracked down to the second. By having your employees verify who they are with their finger is your surefire way to savings. Now, human error and mistakes are gone. Time theft and dishonesty are no more. Staff attendance software is a foolproof way for any employer to save time and money. Payroll becomes automated since records are now guaranteed accurate. Within a few clicks, you can export your records to any service your currently using. Stress and error free payroll at it’s finest.

Staff Attendance Software Never Expires

With your subscription to MinuteHound, your staff attendance software includes lifetime updates. No expiration dates included. Also throw in round the clock support in case you ever need assistance. There is no long term commitments. No fine print to worry about. MinuteHound’s staff attendance software is tried, tested and proven to work. Over 150,000 employees clock in and out using staff attendance software. It is paperless and requires no training. No learning curve to overcome. No additional equipment to purchase, ever. By choosing staff attendance software, your making the easiest decision you will ever make!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Staff Attendance Software: Download Your Savings Today!

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