
MinuteHound Versus RFID Time Clock

How to maximize your employees’ productivity

Are you a business owner who wants to maximize your employees’ productivity? Are you tired of employees wasting your time and money by being late or goofing off while working? Worried about time card fraud? Do you have an rfid time clock system installed in your business? What many business owners do not realize is that employees can easily cheat the rfid time clock, or radio frequency identification time clock, very easily.
The problem with rfid time clock systems is that they operate with cards, which can get easily lost or stolen. Employees can help one another out in cheating the system by swapping cards and making it appear that they are working longer than they really are. If this has ever happened to you, then you know what a loss it is to find that employees are cheating the system.

RFID time clock systems could hurt your business

Let MinuteHound change the course of your business and keep an eye on your employees’ performance. Stop using an inaccurate rfid time clock, and consider MinuteHound’s more accurate reporting method for employees who are clocking in and out. The MinuteHound methods provides you with direct communications, such as online access to data or alerts via email and text messages. Furthermore, there is no way to cheat the system with our biometric fingerprint reader. You’ll always know when your employees check in and out because no two fingerprints are alike. Our fingerprint reader also uses 128-bit encryption, which means the data is safe and secure. You don’t have to worry about a security breach.
Perhaps best of all, you don’t need to be in the office to watch employees come and go. Instead, you can check all of the fingerprint data from wherever you are that has an Internet connection. At MinuteHound, we make it easy for you to keep an eye on all your employees without the hassle of a rfid time clock.

No more guesswork with employees’ productivity

Our fingerprint data systems take the guess work out of employee attendance and productivity. Your company productivity will increase, and best of all, you’ll introduce cost-saving measures that will protect your business for the future. Keep in mind this short guide about the cost-saving measures you can take by taking out your rfid time clock system and replacing it with MinuteHound’s encrypted fingerprint method.

Switch to MinuteHound timeclock today

So stop worrying about what your employees are doing. With MinuteHound’s rfid time clock alternative you always will know what is going on. We implement the latest rfid time clock technology alternative to provide you with accurate employee reporting. You’ll always know which employees are on time, and you will pay them for the work they do on your business’ time clock. Put an end to fraudulent time cards and unmotivated employees. Replace your rfid time clock with our fingerprint reader technology today!
The Price of the MinuteHound Time ClockTime Clock CalculatorSee For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound rfid time clock

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!