Time The Clock Company Difference Is In The Details
Payroll is a huge part of almost every business. Finding an effective way to manage payroll can be difficult. At its core, effective payroll management comes down to finding the right time clock company.
What should you look for in a time clock company?
1. Time theft prevention.
2. Ease of use.
3. Competitive pricing.
While several companies offer one of the three very few can do it all. So where should you look? MinuteHound!
Time Theft Prevention
Time theft accounts for 2-8% of a business’s payroll on average. MinuteHound is a time clock company that uses a fingerprint time clock to eliminate time theft. Meaning, switching to MinuteHound can save your business thousands of dollars. With a fingerprint time clock, you do not need to worry about buddy punching or time fraud. If your employee clocks in, then they are on the job. Remember, the prevalence of time theft cannot be overstated. If you don’t have a state of the art time and attendance system protecting your business from time theft, then you almost certainly are a victim. MinuteHound is the time clock company that can help.
Ease of Use
MinuteHound is both high tech and easy to use. Affirming its place as the top time clock company. MinuteHound is plug and play. Soon after you receive your fingerprint scanner from MinuteHound, your employees will be clocking in and out quickly and easily. Better yet, managing all of that data is a breeze. MinuteHound stores and organizes your employees’ time for you.
Saving you time!
MinuteHound uses innovative time and attendance technology to save you time and money. Whether through time theft prevention or ease of use MinuteHound is working for you. If you’re looking for a top-notch time clock company, get MinuteHound! Because MinuteHound offers the full package.
The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others
We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!