Why Business Owners Need To Use The Time Clock Calculator
Why use a time clock calculator? If your a business owner, more than likely your entire life is your work. From the start of your day until the end, your working hard to succeed on all levels. All companies, regardless of size or focus, have employees. Every business is the same in the sense that you have to manage employees and pay them for their time. Whether salaried, hourly, or commission, you need an accurate way to keep track and account for wages paid. MinuteHound’s time clock calculator will help you understand how much money your spending, and also how much your losing.
You see, time theft is a major issue. Whether blue or white collar, the problem is the same. Employees are not always honest, and a few minutes here or there add up to money lost for the employer. American businesses report losses of over $148 billion dollars every year. These losses, are a direct result of time theft, payroll abuse, and human error in regards to payroll/time and attendance. The time clock calculator will show you exactly what your spending, and what your losing. It is a very simple and easy form to fill out. It is completely web based. Feel free to use it and link to it in order to better understand your potential savings.
How To Use And How The Time Clock Calculator Works
The time clock calculator works by having you enter the number of employees you currently have. Then it will have you enter how many pay periods you have in a year. The time clock calculator uses a default number of 26. This number is the most common for businesses as it represents paying your employees twice a month, or bi-weekly. Then you will enter in your hourly rate and payroll amount. That’s it. Simple and easy right! The time clock calculator will then use this information and figure out how much money your losing, and could be saving.
Here is how the time clock calculator works: Those four pieces of information your provide is then compared to four different sets of criteria. This comparison is the same for all businesses, as every company has to account for employees. Here is how the time clock calculator determines the savings: Human error, Employee time theft, Buddy punching, and payroll processing. Now each one of these statistics have a dramatic impact on your business. Be warned, the numbers could be shocking!
The Time Clock Calculator Is Free To Share and Link Too
Please use the time clock calculator for your full advantage. Not only does it tell you savings and losses, but it offers a solution. That foolproof solution is MinuteHound. Never again stay up all night calculating time cards or pounding your head against the wall wondering why the numbers don’t add up. The time clock calculator is just one of many tools provided. The entire system is web based, user friendly, and cost effective. It is completely risk free and supported every day all day for your peace of mind. Never has there been such a solution available. Now, there is.
Use this time clock calculator as your starting point. Then, use this knowledge to reduce costs, and start increasing profit. Please call or e-mail for any questions you might have. Look forward to hearing from you!
MinuteHound Time Clock Calculator: Numbers Don’t Lie!
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