
Fingerprint Time Clock Systems For Small Business

From Here to Eternity

Technology has completely changed the way we live. From online banking to booking a flight, we can do just about anything from our mobile devices. But what about attendance verification? Not so long ago, this wasn’t an option. Employers needed to manually verify that their employees were present at work, and when it came time to do payroll, sorting through endless stacks of paper time sheets became another within itself. Thanks to fingerprint time clock systems designed by MinuteHound, employers of today have the ability to verify attendance from the comfort of their mobile devices.

MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock systems have revolutionized everything in the digital world. With a touch of a finger, we can verify our identity. Not only does it reduce the possibility of identity theft by co-workers switching ID badges, but it also increases the level of security within the workplace. When employees arrive, they need to swipe their finger across the fingerprint time clock system. The software then matches their unique fingerprint to your employee list.

Not only do fingerprint time clock systems ensure that the person scanning their finger has permission to enter into the work place, but these high-tech systems also help employers confirm when their employees arrive and leave work. Since payroll fraud and time theft costs businesses an exuberant amount of money each year, taking advantage of fingerprint time clock systems can actually keep that money in your pocket.

Reliability in Technology

MinuteHound versus RFID Time Clock
In addition to reducing time theft, MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock systems provides business owners a very reliable way to track employees. With a fingerprint time clock system, employees never need to worry about losing the ID badges or having to keep passwords secure. MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock systems automatically detects everyone’s unique identity out of all of your employees. Most other attendance verification system have a very high risk of breaches, usually caused by human error. Anyone is able to take advantage of an ID badge that was carelessly left behind in a restroom. Fingerprint time clock systems give you that extra piece of security that can’t be reached with traditional timekeeping strategies. Most other security systems have a higher risk of breaches caused by employee error.

As technology continues to evolve, digital devices continue to get smaller and more compact. Fingerprint time clock systems by MinuteHound are the size of a computer mouse and can be installed on any computer you choose. Effortless installation allows you to register your employees easily after downloading the require software. There are no learning curves to master or long-winded training sessions to sit through.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Time Clock Systems.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!