
Educational Facilities Greatly Benefit By Using A Web Based Timesheet

The Benefits of a Web Based Timesheet for Educational Facilities

The hustle and bustle of a school shows the passion of students to learn and the dedication of the teachers to instruct. However, with so many people coming and going, taking care of timekeeping matters can become an issue. A web based timesheet helps to resolve some of the most common problems that educational facilities have with paying employees.

Most teachers at a school are paid a salary, so they don’t necessarily have to swipe in and out of work. Still though, having a web based timesheet ensures that they are there when they are supposed to be. Additionally, part-time teachers, temporary substitutes, therapists and other professionals may be paid with an hourly timesheet. The web based timesheet lets them clock in and out efficiently.

MinuteHound’s program is an excellent solution because it requires employees to swipe in and out with their fingerprints. This means employees cannot cover for each other. While schools should be able to trust their teachers, they may have student-teachers or other employees who have not yet fully built up their reputations. These
web based timesheets ensure that everything stays in order.

Also, swiping fingerprints can be a major improvement for security at some schools. Unfortunately, tragedies and accidents do happen. The ability to trace who was present in the school at a certain time can provide clues to solving a dilemma. Employees should be aware that their fingerprints from the web based timesheets could be used in this manner as well.

Exceptional Technology For Exceptional People: Web Based Timesheet

Other problems arise when an educator or other professional does not show up for his or her shift. The web based timesheet acts a moderator when the principal or other supervisor is unaware of the person’s absence. MinuteHound’s web based timesheet can be set to send out a notification to a designed party. This message, sent through e-mail or text, gives the school the chance to find a replacement. These messages can also be sent if a person leaves early or takes an unapproved break.

A web based timesheet is helpful for all grade levels and school facilities, but it can be particularly appropriate at the college level. In colleges, many undergraduate and graduate students hold jobs. Keeping track of them is much easier with a web based timesheet. These workers can swipe in at the start of their shift and do the same when they leave their shift. Timecard approvals are likely much easier for the manager as well.

With a web based timesheet, especially in a school setting, privacy and security become major issues. MinuteHound’s system uses 128-bit encryption, which makes that all data is securely stored. No one has to worry about their fingerprints being accessed in the system by unsavory individuals.

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Web Based Timesheet.

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