
Can A Simple Time Clock Stop Time Theft?

A Simple Time Clock Solution To Solve A Widespread Problem

Sometimes the most effective tool can be the most obvious and easy to use. Using a simple time clock to stop time theft and all other forms of time fraud is the exact option business owners should purchase. A simple time clock is not pen and paper. It is not punch cards, PINS, or email/password logins. If your employees are currently using any of these methods, they are stealing time from you! Seriously and simply, they are stealing time from you. Any system that does not require verification and accountability allows for theft. Employees cover for each other, share passwords, fudge the numbers in order to never shortchange themselves.

Even the most “honest” employees will never short themselves hours. Also, in many cases, employees feel entitled. They work too hard for peanuts. So taking an extra 20 minutes off here or there does not affect them in the slightest. That is why MinuteHound invented the simple time clock. It was designed and created for business owners by business owners. There is literally no way, none, that allows employees to steal time or pad their hours. MinuteHound does not create an honor system, it establishes discipline and honesty.

What Can A Simple Time Clock Do?

The Simple time clock can be deployed in any work environment. Employees in any industry can use the time clock in order to record their time. They show up to work, place their finger on the MinuteHound scanner, then off to work they go. Same process for breaks/exits. Each and every punch is first verified, then recorded. This means no overpaying ever again! When paychecks are issues, it is only in the amount of time they actually worked, not the time they had their friend write down while they were running late.

MinuteHound has a no risk no obligation business model. You can sign up for mere dollars a month. It is only $1.00 per employee, so even small business owners can afford it. Start today and use it for as long as you need, or, simply cancel. No fuss and no rules. You either use it and pay or don’t and cancel. Simple! Try it today!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Simple Time Clock.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!