
Can A Fingerprint Time Clock Upgrade My Business?

It sure can! At the very least your internal operations. Typically labor and associated costs are the highest margin for any company. People do not work for free! They want to be paid, and unfortunately the employees who work typically don’t work every minute they are on the clock. It is why there are so many forms of time and attendance out there. The only foolproof method however is a biometric time clock, also known as a fingerprint time clock. It is known as a fingerprint time clock because all employees have to do is place their finger on the scanner and off to work they go! This will first verify them and then begin to record their time. No one can buddy punch and no one can cheat. It is literally the most accurate form of time and attendance available.

A fingerprint time clock is a small device that can pretty much go anywhere. Just some double-sided tape can mount it to a wall, a desk, or any surface really. Very lightweight and ultra durable. Employees just use it like they would a smartphone or tablet. A very common technology that now allows business owners to harness this great technology for their benefit. No more overpaying employees for time they didn’t actually work. Friends cannot help them fudge numbers or cover shifts. Only way to get paid is to show up to work and physically clock in.

Is This Expensive?
Not at all! In fact, biometric technology is very cost-effective for any sized business as you only pay for what you need. If you have 3 employees, you pay for 3 employees. If you have 48, you only pay for 48! Don’t every pay a penny for anything you are not using. A fingerprint time clock is easy to use and MinuteHound offers around the clock support. There is nothing to worry about as MinuteHound is month-to-month. You are never locked into anything. Cancel anytime. No penalties or fees. It is that easy! Start today!

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory. MinuteHound We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours. Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today! TimeClock@MinuteHound.com