
Biometric Time and Attendance System Software

Reduce Stress Using Biometric Time and Attendance System Software

Managing employee time cards in your business can be a difficult task. When people regularly show up late or forget to clock in, it makes it hard to know the actual hours worked. This can require the manager to spend extra time tracking down the employee to discover the exact hours worked. With biometric time and attendance system software, you can make the chore of tracking time and attendance a thing of the past.

No Time Cards or Inventory
When you use biometric time and attendance system software, you don’t have to keep track of any inventory. The system uses your employee’s fingerprint as identification. Employees can clock in and out using their finger and nothing else. This means there is less risk of fraud since the employee must be present to clock in and out.

The biometric time and attendance system software uses the same encryption that top banks use to protect their information. Data is stored online. This means there is no paperwork to lose and data won’t get lost. The system also works if you need to track attendance outside of the office. Since the scanner is portable, you can take it with you anywhere. This makes it a great option for schools who want to track children on field trips as well. While a scanner with a biometric time and attendance system software is the most accurate method of ensuring that an employee clocks in on time, there is also a cloud-based version. It doesn’t require the use of a scanner. Instead, the employee logs on and the system records their location. A timestamp is also used to provide evidence of the moment they clocked in or out. This option also costs less since you don’t need any hardware.

Time Theft Issues Evaporate

Employees don’t always intend to cheat the system by improperly logging their hours. However, it sometimes does happen. Biometric time and attendance system software reduces the possibility of theft since the employee has to be present. If an employee doesn’t clock in, the managers can receive a notification. Managers can then call the employee to find out if they have arrived at work. It also lets a manager know when an employee forgets to clock out on time. This can severely reduce the extra costs associated with employees who don’t clock in or out on time.

One of the biggest expenses a company can incur involves training. Biometric time and attendance system software is easy to set up. It requires no previous knowledge to operate and managers will have no problem learning to use the biometric time and attendance system software. There are no complicated menus or complex schedules to program into the system. Our biometric time and attendance system software uses a simple, no-hassle design that makes logging hours easy.

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Biometric Time and Attendance System Software

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