
Time Clock Device and Business Cost Saving Biometric Software | PC

Biometric Software Makes Its Way into the Workplace

There’s been a lot of talk lately about cyber security. It seems like almost every week some major corporation is compromised and millions of Americans end up scrambling to change their passwords for their online accounts.

Security in the workplace has plenty of vulnerabilities of its own, and many of them come from within rather than without. When it comes to employee record keeping, some security measures are simply better than others. MinuteHound is a leading provider of biometric software for the workplace, and we have a proven track record of providing this powerful timekeeping and security technology to our clients for just pennies a day.

How Does Biometric Software Work
Until very recently, biometric software has been either prohibitively expensive or inherently inaccurate. Thankfully, this technology has come quite far in just a few short years; we’re seeing biometric software in everything from smartphones and laptops to firearm safes.

The MinuteHound approach to biometric software is simple: we provide our clients with an easily installed, simple-to-use biometric time clock. Unlike older time clock models, our time clock provides not only security, but convenience. Time theft can occur when one employee clocks in or out for another, essentially tricking the system into thinking they’re working when they’re not. The biometric software powering our time clock can help you end time theft in the workplace for good. This alone will help our timekeeping system pay for itself very quickly, netting you a great return on your investment.

It’s Not Just About Hardware
The biometric software in the MinuteHound time clock is just one piece of our comprehensive timekeeping system. We also provide you with a suite of software solutions to help you keep track of your employee wages, hours, and vacation pay without having to store a single physical time card.

The MinuteHound software is essentially plug-and-play, meaning you won’t have to spend a lot of time bringing your HR staff up to speed. From there, you’ll enjoy the convenience of a paperless timekeeping system and real-time alerts from just about anywhere.

This is made possible thanks to cloud technology. The MinuteHound system will automatically store your employee records securely in the cloud. This not only provides peace of mind in the event that you experience a power loss or you need to upgrade your computers, but also allows you to remotely access your company data from almost anywhere in the world. If you’re interested in giving our biometric software a try for yourself, give us a call to setup a risk-free trial.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Biometric Software.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!