A Brief History Of How The Biometric Fingerprint Time Clock Came To Be
For the past few decades, the standard procedure for employees was to arrive at work, punch their time card, or simply sign a time sheet. In recent years, some businesses have updated to an electronic card system. Some even have employees log in with a username and password. It is now 2012, and technology has taken over time and attendance. Companies and organizations not using a biometric fingerprint time clock, are losing money. How much money you ask? American businesses, every year, lose on average $148 billion dollars due to time and attendance/payroll issues. How do these losses occur? Time theft, employee abuse, and simple human error.
The average employee steals 54 minutes every single day when working a typical eight hour shift. If you have just 10 employees, you just paid for 9 hours worth of work, and threw that money right out the window. Now imagine if you had 100 employees, 1000 employees. The numbers start to add up, fast. Click here to use the savings calculator. Is that money well spent? Wouldn’t you rather keep that money for yourself and for your business? If the answer is yes, then you need to upgrade to MinuteHound’s biometric fingerprint time clock.
Biometric Fingerprint Time Clock Offers Savings On Various Levels
MinuteHound’s biometric fingerprint time clock requires that each employee place their finger on the USB scanner. It scans the fingerprint to ensure the correct person clocking in, and out of work. Since fingerprints are unique to every human being alive, fingerprint recognition is the surefire way to end time theft, and save money. This reduces the chances that associates clock in their friends who may be running late, or leaving early. MinuteHound’s biometric fingerprint time clock literally fores employees to be honest, and always do the right thing. No more wasted time. No more wasted money.
MinuteHound’s Biometric Fingerprint Time Clock Vs. Traditional Methods
The biometric fingerprint time clock makes accounting easier than ever. The employee information can easily be transferred into your current payroll program. Not only is your payroll process streamlined, but the information is correct. Accurate pay for accurate work. Your employees get paid exactly what they deserve. If they “forget” to clock in or out, MinuteHound’s biometric time clock has you covered! The technology behind MinuteHound is advanced, however simple and easy to use. The system will send you text and e-mail alerts if your employees do not clock in or out on time. This way even if your employees forget, the biometric fingerprint time clock won’t! Now your managers can manage, and not waste time babysitting.
When you upgrade to MinuteHound, your upgrading your business.
Click here to use the calculator and see the savings for yourself. Click here to view the Time Theft and Time Clock Price fact sheet.
MinuteHound Biometric Fingerprint Time Clock: Technology of Tomorrow. Available Today!
We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!