MinuteHound’s Attendance Machine: The Future of Time and Attendance
Our hero steps from his gleaming hovercar onto the wet concrete of New York City. He squints as the colorful lights of the city stream through his info-visor before it automatically dims the display for his comfort. “I’m late for work” he mutters to himself and rushes off to the towering monolith that looks as if it were carved from a solid block of glass. As he approaches the door, a panel reveals itself from the skyscraper’s smooth exterior and a voice says “Please scan-in now”.
Does this sound like the future? Flying cars, shiny buildings and a biometric attendance machine? Well, let me tell you, the future is now folks. Well, maybe not the flying cars, but MinuteHound is here to offer you the ultimate time management and human resource solution. MinuteHound is a time clock solution that utilizes a state-of-the-art biometric attendance machine to verify every employee and their timestamps. With the simple press of a fingertip, the employee clocks in or out and the timestamps are stored in the cloud, making access from any computer a piece of cake. You can even get e-mail and text message alerts when employees clock in or out late, making time management much more efficient and effective, even if you aren’t in the office!
The Attendance Machine Advantages
What are the advantages of using MinuteHound’s attendance machine?
–No buddy punching
-No time cards or expensive badges (environmentally friendly!)
-No more time card errors or employee manipulation
-Automatic time reports
It is estimated that American businesses lose $148 billion dollars a year. That’s BILLION! To put that in perspective, that is enough to buy over 40,000 state-of-the-art hypersonic warplanes. While most businesses have no use for hypersonic warplanes, the money lost from faulty timeclock systems could have been used for market research, product development or even employee enrichment (benefits, dinners, etc.) making the MinuteHound attendance machine a must-have for all types of companies.
Easy To Use. Savings From Day 1: The Attendance Machine is Proven to Work
The MinuteHound attendance machine is so simple to use, anyone can do it! All you need is the MinuteHound attendance machine scanner and a computer. You just connect the scanner the computer via USB and you are good to go! We have friendly technical support agents standing by, but we’d bet that you wouldn’t even have to call. Our system is so simple and error-proof that we are backing it with a 100% money back guarantee and will even pay for the return shipping.
The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others
MinuteHound Attendance Machine.
We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!