
Cost Effective Attendance Machine Price- Priced for Small Business

Biometric Attendance Machine Price

One of the most efficient and effective types of attendance machines available on the market is the biometric attendance machine. The biometric attendance machine is able to easily allow a company to keep track of when employees are clocking in or out for work by having them scan their fingerprints. There are numerous different advantages that can be gained for the attendance machine price.

Advantages for the Attendance Machine Price
The primary advantage that is associated with purchasing a biometric attendance machine is that it will reduce the amount of money that a company loses as a result of time theft. Time theft is defined as a person being paid for time that he or she did not actually work. The easiest way for a person to steal time is for that person to have someone else punch in for him or her. With a biometric time clock, this is impossible because there is no number to share or punch card to distribute. Because an employee’s fingerprint is required, it is almost impossible for buddy clocking to occur.

Another advantage for the attendance machine price is that of easy record keeping. As each employee clocks in with his or her fingerprint, that time will be recorded and saved to a cloud where it can be accessed from multiple different computers. This allows the company to keep track of people who are arriving late or not at all, as well as allow changes in attendance to be managed remotely.

The last advantage is that the biometric attendance machine is exceedingly easy to use. This is important because it allows companies to start using it immediately. If a company should have any issues with the time clock, full support is included within the attendance machine price.

Pricing Options
There are a few different factors that need to be taken into consideration when calculating the attendance machine price for a company. The first is how many different branches the company has. Each branch will require its own attendance machine, which is purchased at the attendance machine price of $99.95. After that, there is an initial fee of $5 that is applied to each branch that has an attendance clock. The number of employees is another factor that needs to be taken into consideration when determining the attendance machine price. Each employee that will be punching in and out using the biometric time clock will cost around $1 per month, depending on the number of branches that are using the system. The savings that are gained by using a biometric time clock essentially cause the attendance machine price to become negligent.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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